This year saw an explosion of surf rock and, being from the beach, I welcomed the change with open arms. I'm not much of a super-low-fi fan, but I did find love in Wavves King of the Beach and spent my summer repeating it through drives down the salty OC highway and drilling it into ears at every iPod-controlled party. My second love: Surfer Blood. I heard small mentions of them early in the year and begged a friend to accompany me to Market Hotel to see them in February. It was one of the years best.
Living in Spain, with a nightlife that was primarily spent in nightclubs, gave me a newfound appreciation for club music. From that sprung my love for Nicki Minaj, whose Pink Friday debut is nothing short of baller.
Lastly, there were quite a few new releases by old favs: Arcade Fire's Th Suburbs, to state the obvious; Sufjan Stevens The Age of Adz; and most recently, Girl Talk's All Day.
To sum it all up, a list in no particular order of my most reminiscent of 2010 tracks (some are not neccessarily from 2010, they just happened to be my most played this year):
1. Momma's Boy - Chromeo
2. Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine
3. King of the Beach - Wavves
4. King of Spain - Tallst Man on Earth
5. Congratulations- MGMT
8. Suburban War - Arcade Fire
9. All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem
10. Floating Vibes - Surfer Blood
11. Tell 'Em - Sleigh Bells
12. I'm the Best - Nicki Minaj
13. Sons and Daughters - The Decemberists
I threw myself closet-first into Americana this year, as my friends will attest to having seen the great breath of my red/white/blue wardrobe. This manifested itself in two ways: a re-discovering of silver jewelry via my summer Navajo obsession, and a real appreciation for the classic American sportswear aesthetic. My top picks from this year / those that every woman should have on hand:

6. Spectators

What did I learn this year that is worth sharing (not much) ....
- Wedged heels really are more comfortable
- Never, ever go on when you have money, otherwise you will very soon find yourself poor again.
- Don't shop at American Apparel
- You can never own too many pairs of socks
-Anna Dello Russo can do no wrong
- I am inferior to a 14-yr-old in many ways
- and a 9-yr-old, for that matter
- Clubbing is fun until you do it multiple times a week for 4 months straight; then it gets tired, like the arches of your feet.
- Frye boots can withstand central European blizzards
Now I anxiously await all those year-end magazine specials that I'm an absolute sucker for even though they don't really tell you anything new/ anything you couldn't read online. Whatever.
Happy New Year everyone. See you in 2k11.